Friday 11 May 2012

Day One ...

Today I was cleaning the trailer in anticipation of camping season when I came across this note written on a napkin by Son #2 several years ago.

I'm not sure you can read this but it says.

'Day One
today I got stuck in the camp trailer its just like the time when i got trapped in the bathroom of grandpas motor home.  the door is jamed, i dont know how but it did.  it kind of feels like the hangover (but im not drunk) you know when everybody leaves Doug on the roof.  But in in a camper beside my house.'

I remember him getting stuck and letting him out about three hours later.  He was a bit cranky. 

 I'll have to remind him that he didn't have to write a Day Two note.....
or Day Three...Four...Five....six... seven.....


Razmataz said...

That is too funny.....not for him at the time, but funny to see that note.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh....that is too funny.
3 hours??? That is a long time in 'boy years'!
I'm so glad you kept this.